ISC Cassava

Average yield 60-80 tons fresh cassava tubers per hectare

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Green Lifestyle

Cassava Bio-Dynamic Crop - efficient regeneration of energy & industry

Tuber weight 43,3 Kg/tree at Sukabumi Plantation

From Cassava to: Biofuel, Energy, Textile, Paper, Food, Pharmaceutical,Org-compost, wood pellet, charcoal, glue, PET etc.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

CEO Message

Indonesia remains the choice for agricultural industry. Despite the constant disruptive changes in regulations, companies from across the world including China, Malaysia, Japan, South-Korea are flocking to Indonesia to acquire additional green fields or existing cassava plantations.
Limited agriculture land in part of the world and seasonal weather condition will continue to make Indonesia attractive for planters to expand their land bank.

What are the key criteria’s to expand in Indonesia? Is finding the right professional Indonesian partner the only solution to long-term success.
Indonesian has hopes to produce million tons of fresh cassava and other agricultural products in the year 2020. We are confident and can assure you that we can be a reliable business partner for company’s seeking for a strategic partner to launch or expand businesses in Indonesia. In addition, we can also serve as a consultant that brings success to our clients in any part of the world.

Our industry is part of the solution to overcome the economic crisis and is a key to delivering growth afterwards. But future economic development must take account of the stress limits that our natural environment can bear. We must deliver massive changes in environmental efficiency and I believe we can be a key part of this shift through.
We appreciate your interest in our company. Our site is organized to make it easy for you to find the information you want, while telling you our story-who we are, what we do, and where we are going. We strive to further strengthen our position as a dependable partner for agriculture development by introducing innovative solutions for the nation economic growth.

Our company philosophy:
• We supply the best cassava variety in the market
• We advertise and sell our products vigorously, but without misrepresentation
• We give consultation for better result to our customers and assist them making the greatest possible profit from our crop and services

We look forward to have a mutual beneficial business relationship with you.

Best wishes,
Bambang Danardono
Founder & CEO

Monday, February 15, 2010

Management Background

Bambang Danardono, MBA
CEO / Founder
A professional with 32 years of experience working in the Finance, Consulting and Agriculture sector. Significant periods were spent in Indonesia, Germany, and Malaysia where he worked for five industries such ae s Trading, Banking, Manufacturing, Consulting and Agro Industry. He spent many years working in “Big 4” consulting firms (KPMG, Arthur Andersen, and Ernst & Young). His scope of activities covers marketing, credit analysis, training, project planning, assessment, research & development, human resource consulting & general management. He attained his MBA degree from Schiller International University in Germany. 
He has set up large scale cassava plantation & operations in Subang, Purwakarta and Sukabumi, West Java since 2007, Eastern parts of Indonesia and currently in Banten Province 

Our Mission & Code of Conduct

I-Cassava (Intelligent Cassava) variety has been promoted to Bio-fuels producers, Plantation Owners, Agricultural / Feedstock Suppliers, Government Regulators / Co-operatives, Institutional Investors, Commodities Brokers, Bio-fuel Technology Providers, Bio-energy Marketers, Farmers Associations, and Energy Capital Management throughout the world. Interested parties from the USA, China Mainland, South Africa, Malaysia and Vietnam has contacted us to learn more about I-Cassava plantation development with satisfactory results.

    To be the leading human development organization trusted for excellence, promoting sustainable innovative agro industry products to continuously improve the quality of life”

    OUR CODE OF CONDUCT outlines expected behaviors for all employees. We conduct our business fairly, impartially, in an ethical and proper manner, and in full compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. In conducting our business, integrity must underlie all company relationships, including with all stakeholders. The highest standards of ethical business conduct are required of our employees in the performance of their company responsibilities.
We will ensure that:

  • They do not engage in any activity that might create a conflict of interest for the company or for themselves individually.
  • They do not take advantage of their position to seek personal gain through the inappropriate use of abuse of their position. This includes not engaging in insider trading.
  • They will follow all restrictions on use and disclosure of information.
  • They observe that fair dealing is the foundation for all of our transactions and interactions.
  • They will protect all company, customer and supplier assets and use them only for appropriate company approved activities.
  • Without exception, they will comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations.
  • They will promptly report any illegal or unethical conduct to management or other appropriate authorities (i.e., Ethics, Law, Security).
  • Every employee has the responsibility to ask questions, seek guidance and report suspected violations of this Code of Conduct.
  • Retaliation against employees who come forward to genuine concerns will not be tolerated.

BUMI Group - Integrated Farming

PT Bioenergy Bumi Hidayah

Intelligent Superb Cassava innovation practices
Land arrangement & Quality cassava breeding stems supply
Plantation design and Agriculture system development
Consultancy in Modern Cassava Cultivation Method


PT Great Big Cassava 
  • High Quality Tapioca Starch
  • Waste to Energy Management 
  • Waste to animal feed  

PT General Bumi Casindo

Agricultural Equipment Rental and Maintenance 
Integrated Farming Technology
Organic Compost Processing
Effective Microorganisms Application System 
R&D in inter-cropping and cassava cross breeding

How can you be sure we have the best cassava variety

Ask any of our dedicated farmers and cassava plantation owners in the region. Our R&D team rides technology’s edge, bringing innovation for high yield cassava harvesting. Established in 2007, PT Bioenergy Bumi Hidayah focused on modern technology cassava cultivation method. Indonesian Superb Cassava (I-Cassava) variety or locally named “Darul Hidayah” is aimed for massive feedstock production supply for Cassava chips, Tapioca starch, Modified Cassava Flour, Food products, Animal feed, Bio-ethanol, Chemical, Pharmaceutical and other industrial products in increasing extent. I-Cassava variety has achieved tremendous yield on an average of up to 60 ~80 tons of fresh cassava tubers with population density of 5.500 plants per hectare area. Our high yield cassava production surely will perform and provide best solution for both competitiveness and profitability.
As Biofuel production is expanding rapidly all over the world, and to address the food security issue, “I-Cassava”variety as renewable energy crop is the answer to future business opportunity “Green Investment”, endeavor prosperity of society.

Business Overview

Bumi Group is a leading producer of Indonesian Superb Cassava seedlings which is one of the few Government-approved cassava seed producers in Indonesia. Further information on the approved seeds producers in Indonesia can be accessed in the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia booklet.

The primary business activities are: Producing high yield cassava seeds, Cultivating I-Cassava and processing the harvested fresh tubers, leafs and waste .
The company operates in Banten and Sukabumi. PT Bioenergy Bumi Hidayah as holding company operated by itself as a parent company with two subsidiaries. PT Bumireksa Nurdana Intibangun provides supporting services for its parent company.
PT Bioenergy Bumi Hidayah produces best cassava variety. As our achievements, the Research & Development division has developed three new varieties of cassava seeds some of which used for planting material on its plantations and the balance of which are sold to other cassava plantations world wide. New innovations and development of cassava varieties were crossed breed which research and development continues with no limit. Best cassava variety’s obtained from Thailand, Brazil, Africa, and Indonesia is currently being propagated and observed by our laboratory experts.

I-Cassava Contents & Population in West Java

ISC Cassava Chips made from Indonesian Superb Cassava has higher quality than ordinary Cassava. The test result by Centre for Agro-based Industry (Balai Besar Industri Agro) shows that I-Cassava Chips meets the requirement of specification for export to European community.

Parameter from Test Report
Moisture 11.4 %; Ash 1.75 %; Protein 3.74 %; Fat 0.53 %; Crude Fiber 1.91 %; Silica (SiO2) 0 %; Cyanide (HCN) 0.04 mg/kg; Starch 72.3 %; Amylase 12.8 %; Amylopectin 61.5 %; pH ( Liquid Solution 10%) 6.13

I-CASSAVA POPULATION: Bumi Group has full authorization to commersialize, develop and propagate Indonesian Superb Cassava or “Darul Hidayah” variety.Current total population of ISC-Cassava in West Java alone is: 5.736 ha or +/- 31.548.000 trees and mostly located in Bogor, Subang, Purwakarta, Sukabumi, Pelabuhan Ratu and Banten. Java island is most ideal for cassava crops. supported by huge land bank, established infrastructure (road, irrigation, International seaport, airport), excellent climate condition, secure market and guaranteed for low production cost.

Corporate Social Responsibility

We believe the need of maintaining harmony between its operation, the environment and the local community. Our group of company's also participates in a number of community development projects includes, providing medical services for employees and their families, local villagers, supports financial assistance to the construction of places for religious activities.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Bio fuels Producers, Plantation Owners, Agricultural/ Feedstock Suppliers, Entrepreneurs, Government Regulators / Co- operatives, Institutional Investors, Commodities Brokers, Consulting/ Analysis, Traders Bio fuel Technology Providers, Bio energy Producers/ Marketers, Small Farmers Associations, National Farming Associations, Alternative Energy/ Renewable Energy Producers and Energy Capital Management attended the Jatropha crop seminar. Bio Scientific applications as 1st Generation feedstock, and Ligno-Cellulose materials as 2nd Generation feedstock have been introduced.
Effectiveness and its efficiency of using Indonesian Cassava as alternative energy crop compared to other kinds of feedstock. will have commercial applications produced by cassava stalks, leaves and roots as renewable resources for Feed Application; Industrial Application; Energy and Biopolymer application. Products that could be produced by Cassava amongst others are: Polymers, Fine Chemicals, Solvents, Intermediates, Waxes, Aromatics, Adsorption, Catalysis, Chromatography, Composites, Porous Materials, Clean Synthesis Catalysis and Ethanol.

Shanghai July 2012 

Extracting The Commercial Value Of Bio Energy Growth in Indonesia.PT General Bumi Casindo with it's ISC Cassava are Entering the Global Market by thinking local. 
Replacing petro-chemical-based plastics with plant-based alternatives is a growing area of research. One popular form of plant-derived plastic is Poly(lactic) acid, or PLA, a type of biodegradable plastic that is currently used to make household appliances, Electric  application, woven into fibers to make clothes in place of polyester etc. Although PLA has similar mechanical properties to PETE polymer, it has significantly lower heat-resistance, which limits its uses. Researchers are now developing a new chemical catalyst to improve the properties of PLA, making it stronger and more heat-resistant so it can be used for a wider range of applications.
PLA is made from renewable plant sources such as wheat, sugarcane, corn or cassava starch, and although it’s been known of for more than a century, it has only gained commercial interest recently due to its biodegradability. In an effort to extend the range of uses for PLA to include applications such as engineering plastics for the automotive industry, microwavable trays and hot drink cups, scientists are developing a new chemical catalyst to improve the process of making these plastics

Bio-degradable Plastic Industries in China and Taiwan were amazed with the HUGE SIZE of  ISC CASSAVA

Investor from The People Republic of China engaged in Biomedical products were quite amazed to see size and weight of ISC Cassava. During their recent visit in Indonesia, agreement to initially set up 200 ha cassava plantation in West Java have been signed. Future plan is to develop the plantation in other countries. Investors believe that I-Cassava is best solution to their main concern of limited feedstock supply. Our respective joint partners from China currently is having serious discussions with International Organizations such Petrochemical companies, International Organizations develop more cassava plantation within the Asean region.

I-Cassava Stalk and Stem